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Jillian Rose

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Although she has a professional marketing and sales background, her greatest passion has always been creative writing. Aided by glasses of boxed wine, she started writing short stories in between studying for business courses at the University of Pittsburgh. Her writing continued after she jetted off to work in Tel Aviv after college, but she couldn't nail down a novel storyline.

After two years of a high-pressure sales job once she returned stateside, she knew this premise would make a worthwhile story. Don't Kiss and Sell is her first novel.

Originally from Pennsylvania, Jillian spent five years in Los Angeles and is currently am working on a second novel with the working title, "West of the 405." When it's not Covid, you can find her Sunday brunching, golfing, or attempting to stay physically fit. You can see more of her writing at: jillianrosewrites.com

Nov. 30, 2020

Author and Star on the Rise, Jillian Rose

“The biggest struggle for my generation is following societal norms...it’s a matter of staying on the path that you want for yourself...following your goals and your dreams, that’s something important for our generation to r…
Guest: Jillian Rose