Over 200 Conversations and Growing!

Michelle Gauthier

Michelle GauthierProfile Photo

Life Coach

I'm Michelle and I'm a Life Coach. I help overwhelmed busy women create an intentional and calm life.

I used to be that overwhelmed, busy woman :). I had a big job where I traveled often, while also raising two kids, volunteering at school, and generally running myself ragged at all times!

I listened to a podcast where the guest was a Life Coach and thought "That's what I want to do!". It wasn't an easy transition, but I quit my corporate job, got divorced, sold our house and moved into a smaller one that we renovated.

Oh, and got a puppy, too. I went ALL IN on changing my life. I've now been able to help hundreds of women in my full time job as a life coach. I get to help women create the calm and intentional life of their dreams.

Dec. 10, 2023

The Invisible Workload: How Life Coach, Michelle Gauthier, Guides Women to Find Calm in Chaos

“The invisible workload is something that you do that's not your actual job that you get paid to do, and not the visible chores at home, like emptying the dishwasher. It's all of the thinking, planning and anticipation, of a…