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June 19, 2023

The Summer of Love

The Summer of Love

Summer is finally here! As we all know, summertime can sometimes bring its own set of minor inconveniences. Whether it's sweating on an overcrowded highway on a family road trip or dealing with a never-ending mosquito swarm, it's crucial not to let small things ruin our mood.

I posted this graphic some time ago on LinkedIn that included self love words like: compassion for oneself, an optimistic attitude, belief in self-worth, time to rest and unwind, self-loving boundaries, and the promise of possibilities.

I challenge you to apply at least one of these self love goals this summer and to believe in yourself as you tackle whatever your mountain is during this energizing solstice. πŸŒ…

Friend, it's incredibly too easy to look at things with a negative eye or mindset. So the burgers cooked a little too long on the grill? So what? Let's celebrate the fact that you had food to provide to your family.

So the kiddos want to play at the beach all day instead of relaxing poolside at that neat hotel you found for your family summer trip. So what? Let's celebrate the fact that you were able to provide this trip for your family and that you are all together, happy, enjoying time together.

Maybe you have no big plans this summer and are sticking close to home. No big deal. Maybe you can use this time to do all those small household to-do's that have been haunting you since spring.

Or maybe you will be able to take advantage of some of the fun activities or events that your home town offers in the summertime allowing you and your family tine to connect with neighbors and friends.

Do you see what I'm trying to say? Of course you do!

So, if you're looking for some inspiration and motivation to kickstart your summer, whether pool side, beach side or sitting in summer traffic with the family in tow, take on my summer self-care challenge and lean in to welcoming summer moments with a silver lining mindset.