Over 200 Conversations and Growing!
Dec. 31, 2023

Cheers to a New Year: Embracing Positivity, Empowerment, and Growth in 2024

Cheers to a New Year: Embracing Positivity, Empowerment, and Growth in 2024

“Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.” ~ Buddha

Season's Greetings!, It's Deb Coleman, and I'm thrilled to wish all my fellow executive assistants a Happy New Year in this special episode of "Have A Seat...Conversations With Women in the Workplace." 

As we step into 2024, I take a moment to reflect on the challenges and triumphs of the previous year, and extend a heartfelt toast to all of us for our resilience and dedication. 

I invite you to join me in embracing the new year with optimism, positivity, and a readiness to welcome new opportunities. 

So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's start 2024 with a smile and a spirit of togetherness. 


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Thank you for listening!


Debra Coleman [00:00:09]:
Happy 2024. My have a seat listeners. Oh my goodness. We did it. We're here. Happy 2024 to you. Happy New Year. This is amazing.

Debra Coleman [00:00:24]:
I love it. Merry, merry. Mary, happy New Year. All the good things. Well, this one is a happy New Year message to my fellow executive assistants out there. Yes. I'm singling you out because let's do the thing. It's a brand new year, a brand new opportunity to get things right, to Get things wrong and everything in between, as we know, happens all the time.

Debra Coleman [00:00:52]:
So hey there. Shout out happy New Year to my amazing fellow executive assistants. Listen. Before we slam the door on 2023 and dive headfirst Into the sparkly unknown of 2024, join me. Let's raise a proverbial glass. You know, be it Eggnog, champagne, sparkling cider, or whatever your preferred. Happy New Year, beverages. And let's raise a glass, a proverbial glass, once Again, to the wild ride that was 2023.

Debra Coleman [00:01:28]:
Remember remember those moments. Remember those hair raising deadlines. Right. The impromptu board meetings and the quest for the perfect kombucha for our CEO's temper Tantrums. Right? Whenever we all know it. Whether it's kombucha, brandy, coffee, whatever the poison of choice, We all those times we had to run out and get fill in the blank to help our CEOs cope with life. Right? Whatever that was. Yeah.

Debra Coleman [00:01:58]:
We've all been there. All of us. We juggled calendars like Cirque acrobats don't hate me. I'm from Vegas, so naturally, I go there with Cirque du Soleil. We've navigated Office politics like seasoned diplomats, and we kept our sanity. I mean, well, mostly. I don't know. I'm speaking for myself here.

Debra Coleman [00:02:20]:
We kept our sanity mostly intact through it all. But guess what? Guess what? It doesn't end there. We did it. We did it. Come on, y'all. Virtual high five. Right? We survived another year in the trenches of being an executive assistant, And that's something to celebrate. 100.

Debra Coleman [00:02:44]:
100. So pat yourselves on the back, my fellow warriors, and let's Toast to a fresh start. Let's toast to new possibilities and maybe Maybe even a few extra vacation days in the new year. Who's with me? Come on. Line up behind me. I can't be the only one. Let's do the thing. A few extra vacation days in the New Year.

Debra Coleman [00:03:09]:
Who's with me? Come on. My wish for 2024, For myself, anyway, is to unwind a bit more, recharge a bit more, and laugh a bit more because you know what? Let's face it, my fellow EAs. Sometimes you just have to chuckle at the absurdity of it all. I mean, honestly, honestly, I don't know about you, but I've had days where I just sit there and stare at my monitor and just go, I can't believe this bullshit. Like, you know, you just it's you just have to chuckle, and, you know, it's not a negative. It's not, You know, you're not being catty or mean. It's just it is what it is sometimes. You just have to kinda laugh your way through a day, and that's at least that works for me, because the I've as I said to so many of my friends and colleagues, the day I stopped laughing or chuckling or finding a giggle And what I do in my career as an executive assistant is the day I need to just take a bow, hang up my hat, and say, I'm out.

Debra Coleman [00:04:16]:
It's been fun. Thank you for 20 plus years of this amazing executive assistant career, but I can't. The minute I stop laughing is the minute I stop, And that's just my own personal mantra. And because let's face it, like I said, sometimes you just gotta chuckle at the absurdity of it all. So settle in. Let's settle in this year. Let's kinda take this is the 1st week the 1st week of a brand new year. Settle in With your favorite peppermint mocha or whatever beverage it is.

Debra Coleman [00:04:46]:
I know I'm putting a lot of my favorite beverages on you. I don't mean to do that. So low key whatever yours is, And ring in the New Year with a smile. Can I at least get that much from you? Let's ring it in with a smile because even though, Oh my gosh. Even though the world can be a crazy place, we, the executive assistants, I believe are the glue that holds it together. I know that sounds cliche. I know it's gonna get some eye rolls out there in the community, but I do believe that. I really do.

Debra Coleman [00:05:19]:
I honest to god deal. We are the glue that holds it together, and that is something, my fellow EAs, to be damn proud of. I stand behind that. That is something to be damn proud of. So happy New Year, Everyone, to all of my exec fellow executive assistants, or if you are a leader listening to this and you have A tribe of executive assistants supporting you. Happy New Year. Here's to a 2024 filled with less stress, More laughter and chuckles and maybe even even a few spontaneous karaoke nights because if you haven't been With a crew of executive assistants in a karaoke session, you haven't been living your best life. I mean, you've gotta at least try it once Because we can throw down on that microphone.

Debra Coleman [00:06:12]:
You know? You get a little bit of, you know, you get a little bit of drink in us, and and it's lights out. Grab the mic, and you're gonna get a concert. So maybe even a few spontaneous karaoke nights thrown in the mix of this year. So Happy New Year again. Once again, let's start 2024 off with a smile and positive energy. Alright? Who's with me? Who's with me? So don't forget to hit that subscribe button and follow along. Visit the Havassee website and hit that follow button, and what that will do is that will put you on my weekly email list, and you will get a handy dandy little newsletter Letting you know, hey. A new Have a Seat episodes dropped.

Debra Coleman [00:06:56]:
Check it out. Check it out. And then you'll be able to just hit right inside that email to listen to the episode. Really easy peasy. There's also links on my website to listen to additional conversations. I have a full catalog, over 200 shows and growing of conversations I have had with women out there in the workplace, and they are all, every one of them, amazing in their own right and inspiring. And, so Absolutely check that out. My show my, my podcast is definitely not something that needs to be listened to in order, so feel free Feel free to check out my library of shows.

Debra Coleman [00:07:34]:
You never know. A topic might interest you and resonate with you. Just hit that play button and and and have a listen to the conversation. And as always, I'd like to remind you, there is a be a guest link as well on those website. Click that Link at some point this year. Come sit down with me. Let's have a conversation about your work, about what you do, your thoughts, Your energy, you know, let's just talk about it. Or if there's a subject I haven't covered yet and you're like, girlfriend, I have got to talk to you about this, Register to be a guest.

Debra Coleman [00:08:06]:
Now please keep in mind, I have so many guests that have requested to be on the show. It is a problem to have. By no way am I complaining at all. I have so many requests to get through. So if you do or have filled out a register to be a guest link. Hang in there with me, sweetness. Hang in there with me. I will get there.

Debra Coleman [00:08:27]:
I will I promise. I promise. I am recording shows as fast as my little mouth can handle, but I do need to give myself some space and grace to get these shows, these Conversation's scheduled to get the shows made pretty and then out to the interweb. So bear with me, but I will get to you. I promise. Promise. So with that being said, happy New Year once again. Let's get on this 2024 train With some positive energy, we can do this.

Debra Coleman [00:08:57]:
We've got it. And seriously, though, seriously, though, about those extra vacation days, you know, I'm honestly, who's with me? I think we need more. Alright. With love and laughter always, happy New Year. Happy New Year. Happy 2024. Let's do this. And as always, be safe, be well, and remember, keep having those conversations.

Debra Coleman Profile Photo

Debra Coleman

Producer | Host

Creating Have A Seat...Conversations with Women in the Workplace Podcast was a way for me to engage in weekly conversations with women about their career journey and share them in a fun and supportive way. I truly believe we all have a unique story to tell; we add value in what we do and are rock stars in our own right and I'm excited to bring you these stories every week.