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Dec. 17, 2023

Unlocking Your Hidden Advantage: How Patti Block Is Empowering Women Business Owners

Unlocking Your Hidden Advantage: How Patti Block Is Empowering Women Business Owners

"One thing I think we forget as business owners is that we have choices. When we go in a direction, we struggle, but we keep on that path because it's what we think we should do. In many cases, you need to release the should's and figure out what works for you."

Welcome to "Have A Seat...Conversations With Women in the Workplace," where we explore the experiences and insights of remarkable women in business.

In today's episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Patti Block, founder of The Block Group, to delve into the challenges women face when it comes to pricing, selling their expertise, and finding their ideal clients.

With a focus on women supporting each other in business success, Patti's expertise is a game-changer for women business owners and entrepreneurs.

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Debra Coleman [00:00:10]:

Season's greetings, and welcome back to another episode of Have A Seat, Conversations with Women in the Workplace podcast. I am your host, Deborah Coleman. If you are a woman who owns her own business, an entrepreneur breaking out and doing it on your own, this is is the conversation for you. Let me ask you something before we begin. Do you struggle with any of these topics? Self doubt as you go about building your business, finding it very challenging to build your pricing model that reflects your value that or service that you provide or finding clients who truly value your expertise, Finding that niche of clientele that will truly value the service and your talent and skills that you provide. If you answered yes to any of those 3, this is the conversation for you. My friend, let me introduce you to miss Patti Block, Author and founder of The Bloc Group. Patty teaches women business owners.

Debra Coleman [00:01:14]:

She works with women business owners specifically Who are and she is an she coaches women business owners who are experts in their fields How to turn up their power to price, sell, and run their business on their own terms. This means fine tuning Their operations and scaling their revenue for strategic growth. As a trusted advisor, Patty brings a very unique perspective Having experienced and solved many of the same complex issues women face as leaders, moms, Daughters, sisters, etcetera. Patty forms a partnership of unbiased accountability with you. She will help you position your company financially, operationally, and technologically for game changing results because Patty has been doing this on her own and building her own company since 2006. So she is definitely an incredible resource to have in your corner, and I'm Honored to have had to have been able to steal a few minutes of her time for her to offer her expertise and thought leadership in this area. So without further ado, here is my conversation with miss Patty Block. Alright.

Debra Coleman [00:02:35]:

Well, everybody, thank you once Again, for tuning in this week. Joining me, I'm very excited to introduce you to miss Patti Block. She is an author and Founder of her own company called The Bloc Group. And in within this company, Patty teaches women business owners who are experts in their fields how to turn up their power to price, sell, and run their businesses on their own terms. Those 4 words right there on their own terms right there, that is Patty's specialty. So thank you, miss Patty Block, for joining me this afternoon.

patti block [00:03:11]:

It's my pleasure, and thanks for inviting me.

Debra Coleman [00:03:14]:

Absolutely. I I think what you, what you talk about in your book And your mission for in your business in the it's just it's so on point with today's working woman who's trying to go it alone and do her thing out there and build her own business. I also follow you on LinkedIn, and you offer wonderful advice and posts there too. So this is, I'm very excited to be able to steal a few minutes of your time, selfishly, today. So, well, to get us going, Patty, why don't we, Start with just I in in your company, the block group, as you specialize in helping women business owners, I have to ask why the direction of working exclusively with women in this way?

patti block [00:03:59]:

Well, it's a great question, and I'm asked that frequently, and it's nothing against the guys. Right. It's that as women, and I realized this many, many years ago, as women, We think differently. We process information differently, and we execute differently than the guys do. And a lot of the Courses and programs and trainings that are out there were developed by men for men, And often don't work well for women, which is why I have written my book, why I have created Online programs that are designed by me specifically for other women business owners.

Debra Coleman [00:04:44]:

So well said. I love that you you know? Hey. There's nothing wrong with, you know, the male population of business owners out There but you're right. There isn't enough out there for get dedicated just for women business owners. And I never thought of it that way that it's designed by, You know, men maybe who can't actually relate to some of our issues, specific to our gender. So wonderful, Wonderful to know. That's great. Well, it definitely shines through in the work you do, and all of your offerings.

Debra Coleman [00:05:18]:

Patty's website is just a gem. Again, there'll be links to all things Patty in the show notes, so definitely check them out. But you mentioned your book. So my next couple of questions actually, kind of are in that world. So without giving too much away, we'll just discuss a little bit of the of your book, Your Hidden Advantage, Unlock the Power to Attract Right Fit Clients and Boost Your Revenue. Such a great title.

patti block [00:05:47]:

Thank you. You know, that that book was in my head and in my heart for years, and people kept asking me, Have you written a book? Are you going to write a book? And I think I kept putting it off, not because I didn't want to do it, But because I believe that everything, your business, major transitions, the book, Excuse me. That everything is born when it's ready to be born. And my book wasn't quite ready to be born, So I, it came out in 2023. I'm very proud of it. It's part memoir, part business book, and Probably the most touching thing to me is that many of the stories that I tell in the book are about my mom, and my mom and I were very, very close. And I wrote the book, And if any anyone who's written a book, you know that you write the book first and then you write the acknowledgments. Even though that goes at the front of the book, you write that last.

patti block [00:06:53]:

So I wrote the acknowledgments after I finished writing the book, and my mom was my biggest cheerleader, so, of course, she's listed first in the acknowledgments. And about 3 weeks after I wrote that, she died, and she died very suddenly. She was not ill. We think she had a major stroke, and it was such a shock. And then after all the, you know, the funeral and getting through all of that, I had to go back and write the acknowledgments in past tense, And that was really hard for me and really brought home how big a shock it was and how Certainly, how much I miss her and how much I wish she had seen the book because she was so excited about it. So in many ways, I think the book is a tribute to my mom.

Debra Coleman [00:07:46]:

What a touching story. For well, first of all, I my condolences on the loss of your mother.

patti block [00:07:53]:

Thank you.

Debra Coleman [00:07:54]:

I can tell that that definitely had an effect on you. How can it not with be someone who With such a with such with such an instrumental part of this book being written, but I also can't help but think, but what a wonderful way to honor her and honor what she meant to you and what she brought to you, the strength and and to do this book and encouragement. So, that will live on.

patti block [00:08:19]:

Yes. Thank you. And that's very much the way I feel. This is part of her legacy.

Debra Coleman [00:08:24]:

Oh, and, you know, and you're and you're paying all of that Support forward by supporting and encouraging other women. So it goes on and on. So that is a wonderful tribute to your mother. Absolutely. Oh, Well, thank you for sharing that with us. And, again, my my condolences on the loss of your mother. But In the book, it's it has so it's so much practical advice and really, like you said, very down to earth. I I I didn't I felt like you Understood, as you do, being a business, business owner yourself.

Debra Coleman [00:08:59]:

But without giving too much away, Could you maybe share give us a sneak peek into what this hidden advantage might be and how it can Help build value in our businesses.

patti block [00:09:13]:

So the book is called Your Hidden Advantage, and the reason is because I started this company in 2006, so I've been doing this kind of work for a very long time. And when I started to think about What is the work that I'm really doing? Yes. I help women boost their revenue, specifically around pricing for value. Yes. I help them attract right fit clients. Yes. I help them develop their sales process. I do all those things.

patti block [00:09:42]:

I help them streamline their rev their, Excuse me. Streamline their operations. However, when you get right down to it, what I'm really doing is helping them discover Their own hidden advantage, and it's different for every person, and then using that to position their company for the highest value. And by that, I mean the women so Let me give you a a quick example of what I see over and over, and this will go back to my mom. So my mom, When I was growing up, I made these fabulous cookies. The whole house smelled good. It was warm. The cookies were gooey.

patti block [00:10:25]:

In all my life, I watched my mom eat the broken cookies. But it wasn't until I was a teenager that I even thought to ask her, Why do you only eat the broken cookies? Do they taste better? And she laughed and said, no. I eat the broken cookies So you can have the whole ones, and this memory came rushing back to me many years ago when I was struggling to put words around A very pervasive pattern that I saw in the decades that I've worked with women business owners, and that looks like this. We undervalue ourselves, we underprice our services, and then we overdeliver for our clients. So our profit goes poof, and we wonder why we're not more profitable, why we don't have more cash, And I call that the broken cookie effect, and the way it affects us is that we followed our role models, our moms and our grandmothers, who brought that spirit of self sacrifice to everything they did, And we emulate that and bring that right into our business. And the broken cookie effect is a great example Of what I kept seeing over and over and over, and keeping the business artificially small, And not feeling confident to talk about yourself, your business, your team, your pricing, All of those pieces that build value in the mind of your buyer. So Your Hidden Advantage is really a guidebook For women business owners, it, in that, I developed a system. It's called the SNAP system, which is a play on gingersnap.

patti block [00:12:21]:

And in the book, there the theme of the broken cookie effect follows all the way through, And the SNAP system has 4 parts to it. SNAP, the s stands for stop believing the myths, n is narrow your focus, a, assess your value, and p, practice your power. And when you put that all together, which is what I teach in the book, what happens is you start shifting the way you think and what you believe. Like, for example, if you believe that everyone else should get the whole cookie and you should live on crumbs, that's the broken cookie effect in action. So we start to analyze what it is you think and believe. You will see that that will shift As you start reading the book, and I have online programs as well, and from there, Then narrow your focus is about attracting those right fit buyers. Assess your value is about pricing for value, And I actually teach how to do that in the book. And then practice your power is probably the most important piece because it's how you could Effectively communicate, and it is such a huge challenge for us to feel confident And be able to especially talk about dollars and our pricing and Help others understand the real value, including your hidden advantage, that you bring to your clients.

patti block [00:13:58]:

So the SNAP system fits together snaps together like a puzzle, and throughout The book, there are exercises. You can also download those exercises, and through that, Start shifting the way you think, the way you approach your business, and your business does not have to be a burden. And too many women that I meet are scrambling, and they don't want anyone to know that their cash flow is low, that they're not as profitable as they might seem to be, and that they're really feeling insecure and struggling, especially with the financial side of their business, and it's Very humbling when that happens, but I will tell you, it happens to all of us, and we're not talking about it because it's embarrassing. So part of my goal with the book was to be talking about these difficult topics, To give real life examples and to teach a different approach so that you really can run your business your way.

Debra Coleman [00:15:07]:

Such an incredible resource, this your hidden advantage book is. And, the what used how what you just said Absolutely translates then into your book. That's how your book tone is as well. It's very relatable and down to earth. And I, First of all, I love the snap analogy. That is really cute. But your story your mom's story about the broken cookies, Oh my goodness. There's probably not a woman listening who can't relate to that in some way.

Debra Coleman [00:15:37]:

Maybe it's not a cookie, but maybe it shows up in other ways That, we always tend to maybe put ourselves last or give give everything to Externally and then save whatever's in the reserve for us. There's just so many ways, so many directions you can go with that, and I love that story. When you said that, what your mom's Reply was, I just got this huge smile on my face. Like, yes. Of course, she would say that. That's that's a mom response. Right? But I can see where that would get blurred into being a female business owner. And I also love that you touched on well, that's just sort of ingrained in a, you know, So so from a social aspect, that you're right.

Debra Coleman [00:16:17]:

We're just we're just kind of almost preprogrammed to operate that way. And so it we struggle now when we're in the hot seat or we're the captains of the ship to be a little bit more selfish, Maybe. I don't know if that's the right word, but, wow. So much there. I mean, oh my goodness. I have, like, a half a page of notes here. I

patti block [00:16:38]:

Well, Deborah, let me let me clarify something. I don't think selfish is the right word. I think self care is a good word, And I think I'm not suggesting that you put yourself first over everyone else. That goes against our nature. What I am saying is there needs to be a balance, and we struggle as women, we struggle with balance In a lot of different areas of our lives, but especially when it comes to how we feel about ourselves, speaking up, speaking out. And so when I needed to pick a category for my book, I picked communication, Because you can fix your pricing, you can develop your sales process, you can streamline your operations, and none of that matters If you can't effectively talk about the value that you're bringing.

Debra Coleman [00:17:34]:

That is key. That is really key. I'm glad you brought that up. Pricing Can be a very tricky area. I know just from my friends and colleagues that are doing it you know, who have their own business doing it selves. And one of the pick prickly points that seems to be a current current theme is how is is pricing. They seem to struggle with that a little bit because they seem to maybe undervalue their expertise, and maybe are looking at it through a different lens. Is as you've touched on already, is there anything that we any advice or pro or practical tips or maybe a mindset that we can maybe, Execute when we start to think about or rebuild maybe a pricing model that reflects the value we provide or the services we can bring.

patti block [00:18:25]:

Yes. You know, especially if you're an expert in your field

Debra Coleman [00:18:28]:


patti block [00:18:29]:

One of the big challenges is that the work we do seems easy to us. Mhmm. Right? We're trained. We've often had years or decades in our industry, And it just seems easy.

Debra Coleman [00:18:43]:


patti block [00:18:44]:

So we do undervalue the real expertise that we're bringing, but even worse than that, When we're not talking about our achievements because it feels like bragging Yeah. All of those things that, as you mentioned, have been so ingrained in us From the time we were little, that works against us, because, again, unless I can express to you the value that I can bring, You're never gonna know, and it doesn't matter if my pricing is right on target. Right? One of the big challenges with pricing is that a lot of us grew up with an hourly billing model, Especially if you're an accountant, a bookkeeper, an attorney, if you're in any of those specialties, that was drilled into your head. And that's What you often hear about trading time for money Yeah. And you're not selling your time. You're selling your expertise and or the service that you provide, and that is very different, and it needs to be approached differently. That actually starts with your relationship with money, and so that's where I start in the book, is Giving a series of exercises to help you analyze what is your relationship with money because that's the first place You need to approach differently.

Debra Coleman [00:20:07]:

Good start. Absolutely. That seems to be the foundation. And once you can kind of get that Set and write and and focus on that, on the money aspect, on how you view money, on how you make your money work for you or not. I can see the core the relationship to then how you price yourself, and your services and how you equate that to the value you bring. That's a real it's a it's a real issue. It's a real definitely a struggle. I can I can understand that for sure? I've if I tried to write a guide on how to podcast, and a friend of mine said, you should really sell that.

Debra Coleman [00:20:46]:

And I said, well, no. No. I don't you know? Anybody anybody can get this information. I just kinda wanted to put it in 1 handy guide so you don't have to surf the Internet for hours trying to find it. And she said, well, that's it that's it that's it exactly. You're you would be pricing for the convenience. You're not pricing you know, you're They're paying for the convenience of you putting it all in one place and then and saving them time.

patti block [00:21:08]:

That's exactly right. And that was also where My book came from was I took I don't know how many programs and courses and trainings, and Nothing fit for me and was very frustrating. And I had a business many years ago. I was a Political consultant and a lobbyist. And in that business, I didn't know how to price, and I didn't know how to sell. And what I did was trial and error. Took me years years to figure it out, and at that point, I was still billing hourly, because I didn't know how to do anything differently, and part of my motivation when I started this company in 2006 was, Why should everyone else have to struggle the way I did? Why don't I put this together in my online programs, in my book? Put it together so that everything's in one place, and it's a guidebook so that you really can start to assess What you like about your business, what you don't like, and how you can make changes. So it's a very practical guide, And I feel very strongly I don't want people to struggle the way that I did through trial and error, not when you have the ability to access a shortcut.

Debra Coleman [00:22:35]:

Right. You are trying to save others from experiencing what you did if there's a shortcut or a guide or someone who's been there who can sorta light the pathway, we're both better for it. It's a win win situation.

patti block [00:22:48]:

Exactly. And it goes back to why I work exclusively with women Mhmm. It's about women supporting women, and I feel very strongly about that. I also believe That when women experience business success and wealth, it elevates society as a whole. Mhmm. So that is a Critical piece of my mission is empowering and supporting other women business owners. And if you can't tell by my voice, I love the work I do, and it's so important to me, and it's a real passion.

Debra Coleman [00:23:25]:

I can absolutely hear it. Absolutely. You are right. You can tell, even from your 1st answer when I when I first asked you why specifically working with women, it came through right away. Do you find that do you get any feedback? I'm sure you do. That's a silly question. But from the clients that that you do help or others that you help that they appreciate, the fact that, you know, you're you and you're a woman who's been through it, and they maybe feel a bit more comfortable Just sort of discussing some of these roadblocks and challenges with you. You know, for me, I preferred a female doctor just because I would rather talk Somebody who maybe understands a bit more of what I go through.

Debra Coleman [00:24:04]:

So do you get that sort of feedback as well?

patti block [00:24:07]:

I do. And my clients Work with me for long periods of time, usually between 3 10 years, and I'm not only am I so grateful for that, But I also know the value they're getting because they tell me all the time, and, You know, they are doubling, sometimes tripling their revenue. They are streamlining their operations and really looking at the expenses so that the money they can take out of their business is actually higher than what it was previously. They are not feeling like their business is a burden anymore, and they're able to set and achieve long term goals that they couldn't focus on, because when you're feeling that stress and anxiety of where is my next client coming from, Am I charging correctly for to you know, in order to be profitable? Not only this client, but just in general. And having all that self doubt that we all struggle with, because of that, it's really hard to focus on the future. And one of the exercises that I do is called future casting, where we actually imagine What the future can be like and what it will take to get there. So I do get that feedback from my clients on a regular basis, and it's So rewarding to me.

Debra Coleman [00:25:34]:

I'm sure it is. Oh, I'm sure it is. Everyone that you help, that you see grow and become successful in their path. I'm sure it's just a it's just a another way that, you know, just makes your smile, you know, that much larger Because it's your work in action. Right? That's that's you. That's a result of you and them, of course, not to take anything away from them, but What a what a satisfying and gratifying, feedback and and to know that you're a part of their journey in that way. That's great. So we've talked a little bit about, you know, the pricing model, and I love that you also mentioned, though, probably another sticky widget, is find trying to find clients who truly value our expertise.

Debra Coleman [00:26:21]:

What how what how is that a true struggle, you know, attracting these right fit clients, and does it Star where does that start? Does it start in our marketing? Does it start in in our in our mission statement, who we wanna serve, identifying, you know, who our clients are? What How do how do we what does that mean trying to attract the right fit clients? Where do we begin?

patti block [00:26:41]:

Yes. If you're a new business, you have to do a lot of experimenting. You may have an idea of who you want to serve, but you don't know if what you offer is what they need. So as a new business, you always have to experiment a lot and let go of preconceived notions of who you're gonna serve. You know, there is such a thing called a sleeper market, and it may be that you are better suited to help a particular market you're not even aware of yet. So that's 1 piece of it. If you're an established business, you've already done your experimenting, And you've likely figured out who you want to work with, who you best serve, but you may have trouble attracting That particular profile, and, again, one of the exercises in the book is to help you Really get clear on who you want to work with, what industry, what type of business, what type of business owner. Or If you want to look at mid market and larger companies, selling into large corporations is often a very good strategy.

patti block [00:27:56]:

It just depends on what you want and what you want to achieve with your business, so One thing I think we forget as business owners is that we have choices, and we give up some of our power When we go in a direction, we struggle, but we keep on that path because it's what we think we should do. And in many cases, you need to release the shoulds and figure out what works for you. So Attracting right fit buyers and finding exactly who you wanna work with is the first part of the exercise. The second is almost all service based businesses operate on referral or introductions. And you may have other methods, but that is probably the core way that you get clients from former clients, current clients, People who know you in the community and if you do any public speaking, that's typically how people will find you. So because of that, At being crystal clear on who you do want to work with and who you do not want to work with, that's equally important, and then seeking out the ones you do wanna work with. And I'll give you a quick strategy that works very well. What we tend to do, especially as experts, is we tend to congregate with people just like us.

patti block [00:29:31]:

So if you're an accountant, you're probably in a couple groups of accountants, which is fantastic from a continuing education standpoint And from networking and having great resources at your fingertips, it is not great to find clients. So If you look at trade organizations let's say you're an accountant who specializes in residential real estate companies or construction companies. If you look for trade organizations where you live And get involved in some of those. And, again, it's experimenting, but get involved because it is likely You are one of very few accountants who will attend and get involved in that group because it's a group of Construction people are a group of real estate people, and accountants typically aren't there. So if you are there and you specialize in those industries, That is a great way to find the people you wanna work with. And even though it's, a really, in my view, a very common sense Strategy. Very few few people use that strategy and use it effectively, And so it's also something I talk about in the book. It is definitely something I talk about in one of my online programs, which is called Painless Selling to Ideal Buyers, and the other program is called Value Driven Pricing.

patti block [00:31:02]:

And I always recommend, read the book, Do the exercises. If you feel you need more help, then going into value driven pricing will make sense because there's a group coaching component where we meet, and I can help you specifically with your business. And The same thing for painless selling to ideal buyers, which helps you establish your sales process and also meets for group coaching. So you learn from other business owners in that group, and then, of course, you're learning from me. And I'm also able to customize The advice and help you apply it in your business. So that's the pathway for my clients, and, And I think it's very effective. It's taken me many years to to develop that pathway. And now the feedback that I'm getting is so incredible, which, of course, makes me so happy, and it's so effective.

patti block [00:32:07]:

And as I mentioned, the women are doubling and sometimes tripling their revenue And understanding their finances better and feeling so much more confident in talking about the value they bring and what their pricing model is and how they're presenting that to a prospective buyer.

Debra Coleman [00:32:25]:

I love it. I absolutely love it. That what wonderful, first of all, advice on how to find think outside the box. Until you said that, I haven't really thought of that before. You know, why would I go hang out with, mean, I understand hanging you know, forming those community of podcasters to, like you said, network and learn from and grow with and share the highs and lows. But if I'm looking to possibly build, like, a podcast producing business, that might not be the group for me. I mean, I need to meet my clients where they might be, meet them halfway. You know? As you said, think think outside the box a bit.

Debra Coleman [00:33:03]:

I love that. I love that idea. I mean, it's gonna look different for everybody, but just the overall idea of that. Wonderful advice. Love that. I mean and that is this is her book, listeners. So definitely, if you want more of this, Your hidden advantage is what you need. Patty, where can our listeners find you to learn more?

patti block [00:33:24]:

Well, start with your hidden advantage .com, because there are some bonuses there that are companion pieces for the book. So you can download those bonuses and learn a little bit more of what the book is about, And you can also buy the book at that link on that page, so your hidden advantage about me and my company at the block group.net.

Debra Coleman [00:33:52]:

Fantastic. And I, of course, will have links to all of this in the show notes, so please check them out. There are many ways. Patty is everywhere. She has a Twitter and Instagram, a Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Of course, the block group and your hidden advantage .com, I believe you said. Yes. Right? So no excuses. No excuses out there, you women business owners.

Debra Coleman [00:34:16]:

Your re your resources here. Definitely. Oh, wow. Well, Patty, this has just been an eye opener for me. I mean, honestly, I have a I have 2 pages full of notes here. This is great. I have a An accountability partner that I meet with once a month, and I can't wait to share some of this with her. Good advice.

Debra Coleman [00:34:35]:

I thank you so much. This has really been wonderful.

patti block [00:34:38]:

Well, thank you. It's been great to be here.

Debra Coleman [00:34:40]:

Now do you have time before you hop off the mic for a silly bonus question?

patti block [00:34:44]:

Of course.

Debra Coleman [00:34:45]:

Okay. Wonderful. It's just a way for us to get to know miss Patty a little bit better. You obviously are a busy lady. You are an author. You run your own business. You have clients. You have speaking engagements.

Debra Coleman [00:34:59]:

Where what do you do when you find that you need to just rest and rebalance yourself? When life gets a little too crazy, What does Patty do to kinda bring it back to center?

patti block [00:35:11]:

So I have 2 things that I love to do. 1 is I have a very, kind of symbiotic relationship with my 3 adult children, And, I've been a single mom since my youngest was 2, and he just turned 31. So I've raised the kids myself, and they're all 3 business owners. And we interact with each other on a regular basis, and we help each other with our businesses. So interacting with my family And my extended family is one way that I come back to center. I also have a new grandson. He's my first grandchild, And, so he's coming to visit me in about 3 days, and I'm so excited. So that's one way.

patti block [00:35:57]:

The other way is I Go walking in the park. And sometimes listen to podcasts, sometimes listen to music, but walking in nature Absolutely brings me back to center, and I'm so grateful for that and something that I can do any time of year, really.

Debra Coleman [00:36:15]:

It really is anything any time of year. I'm I'm a big walker walk I love to walk myself. That's I agree. If you, if you're open to it, It will definitely feed your soul. And you know what? Hats off to you to raising your kid your 3 children on on your own. And for them to turn around and to be business owners themselves, that's wonderful. That's excellent. I myself was raised by a single mother and who again, I'm a sibling of 3, Three siblings, so I get it.

Debra Coleman [00:36:44]:

I get it. That is where the real work is. So

patti block [00:36:48]:

It has definitely been a journey, but it's been a very rewarding journey, and I had to be there to get here, and here is fabulous.

Debra Coleman [00:36:58]:

Such a good outlook. You had to be there to get here. Fantastic outlook. Absolutely. Oh, well, miss Patty, thank you once again. This has just been a pure delight. I appreciate you sharing all of this information with us. It's Just invaluable.

Debra Coleman [00:37:13]:

And, again, you can find all ways to connect with Patty in the show notes, but thank you for taking time today, Patty.

patti block [00:37:20]:

Thank you.

Debra Coleman [00:37:21]:

And that wraps up my incredible conversation with miss Patti Block. As always, I Encourage you to check out the show notes to find ways to connect with Patty. All the links that we mentioned during this conversation will be found in the show notes. If you are a woman business owner, an entrepreneur who have who is breaking out and doing it your own or you're even thinking of doing it on your own and you want to know how to go about it and arm yourself with the knowledge and education, that you will need in order to continue building your business or as you begin to build your business. I highly encourage you to Check out all that Patty has to offer. You will not you will not go wrong, and especially with her book, again, your hidden advantage, Unlock the power to attract right fit clients and boost your revenue. As Patty says, let that be your step one. It's an incredible resource and definitely a book that you will have in your arsenal from day 1 on.

Debra Coleman [00:38:23]:

So, again, I want to thank Patty so much For spending time with us this week and for sharing her expertise in helping us build our businesses and maintaining them in Building revenue, building our client base, battling back those gremlins of self doubt, and how, more importantly, to work with ourselves in building our pricing models that reflect our true value and when in our services and talents that we provide. That is a really sticky And I'm so glad she brought that up. Thank you, Patty, again, for going down that road with us. As always, you will find a link As well to the Have a Seat podcast website where you will find additional amazing conversations just like this, as well as a way to either register to be a guest or contact me to give me your thoughts on this episode and maybe provide some future topics for future episodes.

Alright, my friend. Thank you once again for tuning in this week. And as always, stay safe, be well, and remember, keep having those conversations.

Patty BlockProfile Photo

Patty Block


Patty Block teaches women business owners who are experts in their fields how to turn up their power to price, sell and run their business on their own terms.

This means fine-tuning their operations and scaling their revenue for strategic growth.

As their trusted advisor, she brings a unique perspective, having experienced and solved many of the same complex issues women face, as leaders, moms, daughters and sisters.

Forming a partnership of unbiased accountability, she helps women position their companies--financially, operationally, technologically--for game-changing results.

Patty raised three fantastic kids, all of whom are business owners and also work in Patty’s company (she essentially raised her own workforce!)