Over 200 Conversations and Growing!
March 31, 2022



Hello Friend!

Well here in the northern hemisphere spring is almost upon us, and soon flowers will be growing and in bloom. 🌸

Speaking of growing, one of the fun perks of having a podcast is the networking and growth that transpires as a result of bonding with other audio junkies. 😁

I was honored to be asked to be a guest on Heidi Frei's podcast, Auntecdotes! A podcast dedicated to sharing stories of what it means to be an aunt. I have no children of my own but my cup runs over with love for and from my tribe of nieces and nephews! 💞 On this episode I share some of my favorite stories along with my thoughts on some ways to be the best aunties we can be.

Heidi's guests have really fun and heart warming stories to share and Heidi is a fantastic conversationalist, I think at one point I forgot we were recording I was having such a good time. If you have a few minutes and a desire to hear uplifting family tales, I encourage you to give a quick listen to Heidi's podcast, Auntecdotes. 👇🏽
