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Aug. 16, 2023

The Silent Assassin: How to Stay Under the Radar in Meetings and Still Get Things Done

The Silent Assassin: How to Stay Under the Radar in Meetings and Still Get Things Done

Hey there, my fabulous Friend! 

Have you ever felt the pressure to talk in meetings just for the sake of it because the thought of silence makes you want to run screaming from the room? Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.

But guess what? There is value in contributing with a purpose and not feeling compelled to speak in meetings, especially if you have nothing of substance to add.

Silence doesn't have to be a sign of weakness; it can be an opportunity for observation and heightened awareness.

By quieting our minds during meetings, we're able to notice key takeaways like whether someone is disengaged or the exact opposite, someone who may be dominating the conversation without respect for others. Talk about valuable feedback for the meeting organizer or leader! 

One key contribution for all you amazing administrative and executive assistants is the importance of being an active observer and note-taker during meetings. I know some of you may cringe by my saying that, but hear me out.

By capturing crucial points and circling back on them during the meeting, like during a break in the conversation, you're able to add value and contribute to the discussion without feeling like you may be interrupting the flow.

Here's a tip for those in leadership roles: leaning into silence during meetings can create a more inclusive environment where everyone's voice is heard which can lead to fostering better decision-making and building trust within the team.

Now, I know what you might be thinking - how do I strike a balance between speaking up and staying silent?

Well, it's all about being strategic. There will be times when we need to voice our opinions and share our expertise.

But there will also be moments when it's more beneficial to step back and let others take the lead and guide the conversation.

So, my fabulous friends, let's harness the power of silence in meetings to revolutionize our workplace dynamics and promote inclusivity.

We all have unique perspectives to contribute, and sometimes, letting others take the spotlight can lead to incredible innovation and collaboration. 

Let's challenge ourselves to listen more, speak thoughtfully, and create spaces for everyone to be heard.